Home                                   The following is a list of Columbia's DIVISIONS           provided by Bob Kratz & Rich Gary   

                                                         Note: List is incomplete at this time

                                                                    The ship had five departments

                                                                                   GUNNERY DEPARTMENT

     1st Division picture      The 1st Division was responsible for 6 inch turrets numbers 1 & 2. They were also responsible
                                        for the upkeep of the forward part of the ship.

    2nd Division picture     The 2nd Division was responsible for 6 inch turrets number 3 & 4 (which were aft).
                                         They were also responsible for the upkeep of the aft part of the ship.

                                         In addition they operated and maintained the catapults used to launch our search aircraft.

    3rd Division picture     The 3rd Division was responsible for 5 inch gun mounts number 51, 52 & 53. They were also
                                          responsible for upkeep of half of the middle of the ship.

    4th Division picture       The 4th Division was responsible for 5 inch gun mounts number 54, 55 & 56. They were also
                                           responsible for upkeep of the other half of the middle of the ship.

     5th Division picture  The 5th Division was responsible for 40mm gun mounts number 41, 42, 43, 44, 47, 48, 49 & 50 and
                                        10 20mm guns. In addition they were responsiable for the upkeep of the boat deck.

    Original Marine Detachment aboard Columbia       Roster of  original Marine Detachment aboard Columbia
    List of Marines that served aboard Columbia        List from page 86, Battle History of USS Columbia

    6th Division picture (Marines) on stern                   40 Marines on stern (poor quality)

    6th Division picture (Marines)                               The 6th Division was manned by the Marine detachment (35-40 men).

                                                                 They were responsible for 40 mm gun mounts number 45 & 46 and some gun directors.

    F Division picture                                    The F Division was responsible for all the Gun Fire Control Systems, Gun Directors

                                                                      and the Main Battery Gun Plotting Rooms for the 6 inch guns.

    F Division on the quarterdeck

                                                                                           ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT

    A Division             A Division was called the Auxiliary Division. They operated and maintained the evaporators which
                                    made fresh water from sea water. Columbia had the reputation for making more fresh water than any
                                     other ship in Cruiser Division 12. The men rarely had to take salt water showers.

    B Division   NEW  Dec. 2018    B Division was responsible for the two fire rooms (fore & aft). They made the steam that

                                                         powered the four turbines that drove the ship's four screws.

     List of men    NEW                    Steam also powered the four turbines that drove the four electrical generators. B Division

                                                         was also responsible for operating and maintaining the electrical generator turbines.

    M Division             M Division was responsible for operating and maintaining the equipment in the two engine rooms.

                                    There were two steam turbines for each engine room. The turbines drove the four props.

    R Divison on stern          R Division was responsible for the damage control stations, fire fighting and shipfitter shop which repaired
                                              and replaced various equipment throughout the ship.

    E Division picture           E Division was responsible for generating the electricity that powered equipment throughout the ship.

                                             They also maintained the lighting equipment.

                                             In addition they maintained the sound powered telephones and the dial telephone system.


    C Division picture
           C Division was responsible for the radio rooms and radar shacks. They also provided a signal man.


    S Division picture
            S Division was responsible for cooking, baking and food store rooms. They ran all the food handling,
                                             barber shop and ship's store.

                                                                                                AIR DEPARTMENT

    V Division picture
              V Division was responsible for maintaining the search aircraft. The pilots were attached to the V Division.

                                                                                                 OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT
    L Division on stern
                       L Division provided the ship lookouts, so vital for the safety of the ship.
    L Division on quarter deck
           L Division function unknown
                                                    N Division  was responsible for the ship's bridge. They manned the ship's wheel and provided the
                                                    navigation to get the ship from place to place. No picture.


    Unknown Division u2                               Unknown Division u2....names unknown

    Unknown Division u3                             Division u3  has been ID as B Division, Dec. 2018 names unknown 

    22 Men and three Officers                      22 Men and three Officers.....names unknown